AirShark, paving the way for utilizing UAS for power line inspections
ARE-AirShark has been safely and effectively operating sUAS for electric utility clients for several years now. In the process of building this part of our business, we have had several opportunities to participate in demonstrations and pilot projects. One of these early demos involved showing the capabilities of sUAS for transmission line condition assessment to Eversource engineers and operations managers in Nashua, New Hampshire.
We used this opportunity to develop methods of organizing and transmitting data that we still use today. ARE-AirShark set up a live video feed to provide Eversource employees on site a real-time view of our UAS operations capabilities. Each captured image was renamed in order to indicate the date, location, structure number, and original file name so that, when needed, the subjects could be easily located spatially and temporally. An interactive map was created to deliver the geo-referenced data more effectively. Each inspected structure was indicated by red markers that when clicked, bring the user to the associated inspection data.
The mission was an overall success, demonstrating what ARE-AirShark does best; provide our clients the intelligence they need to make informed decisions.
See more of ARE’s inspection capabilities for utilities: